Thursday, December 24, 2009

Out with the Old, In with the Truth!

The year is winding down for me here in the grand 'ol Midwest. Right now I sit at Anubis2814's apartment, watching vids and eating Wafflenuss...mmmm.

Gearing up for the next year I have a lot planed. Along with launching my own YouTube site, I'm also working on getting into Grad school and launching a Wiki for Archaeology, and I have dreams of creating an online Chert Catalog with sample pictures and location data that can be accessed by anyone. That one might take a bit.

I've set up a schedule for the ArchyFantasies channel as well as the blog. I'm also on Twitter and Face Book. I encourage you to stop by and check everything out, though everything is linked, there are different things on every site.

I also encourage you to connect with me, email me, twit me, comment, post, whatever. I feel that Archaeology is important enough that it needs to be brought forward and revealed, explained and discussed. I'm always up for a good conversation, especially when something important is being shared.

Next year is right around the corner and I really can't wait to start sharing with all of you. So until then, Enjoy!

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