Thursday, September 30, 2010

Alien/Hominoid Sex

How did the Human Race begin? One Hypothesis is briefly explored.

Things to read:

How to Think About Weird Things by Theodore Schick, Jr and Lewis Vaughn
Why People Believe Weird Things by Michael Shermer

and anything by Erick von Daniken

Cruising along to a Dead End

Seems my life is getting the better of me, so much change in so little time! I’ve got my new place set up and a new job till December, also a possible teaching job for later this year. Holy crap I have no time to Think!

But don’t worry fair reader! I have just now gotten my ducks in a row and with luck we’ll see some progress by the end of the week. Right now, me and my gazpacho are going back to bed, sleep has been a luxury of late as well.