Friday, February 26, 2010

Vid Scripts Ahoy!

Despite the busy week, I've managed to put together a schedule for the next three months on video topics and post dates. So far I've got the next three months planed out, and I think we'll all have fun with them. I've also decided to add a third video a month, and make that video explanatory, going over basic archaeological and scientific topics like, stratification and C-14 dating. Things I know are a little misunderstood and that should be explained in depth.

So here's to you, If you have a topic that you always wondered about, shot me message and I'll try to address it.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

What is Pseudoarchaeology, Vid now Live!

This time I tackle defining what Pseudoarchaeology is. Sorry about the skips and such, movie maker and I got into it, and I think the program won...

Books to check out for further reading...

Invented Knowledge: False Histories, Fake Science, and Pseudo-religions by Ronald H. Fritze

Frauds, Myths, and Mysteries: Science and Pseudoscience in Archaeology by Kenneth L Feder

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Holy Crap where did the week go?

Got stupid busy this week, mainly this past weekend. It was V-day and I work retail. I actually had to miss a day at the museum just so I could sleep. Sad I know, but there it is, and its also my excuse for having a late video this week.

So, I didn't get to check out much in the way of cool websites or vids, like I like to do for you, but good news! I'm going to be at GenCon giving a talk on Archaeology vs Pseudoarchaeology! YAY!!! So you should all come see me, I'll post time and dates and all as we get closer to the date.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Cleaning out my Phone and Other Errata

I save links on my phone that are sent to me via Twitter and Facebook. I tells ya, I loves my Twitter. Maybe I'll do a massive follow post one day. So I've found some great stuff, The Forensic Anthropologist is defiantly one of them. Lots of good information on the field, and makes me really wanna be one when I grow up.

Also, for those a bit more Skeptically minded, Actionskeptic has pulled together a forum for the upcoming GenCon, we'll be giving talks on various pieces. One is on Pop Culture, another on Paranormal, mine (if I'm accepted) will be on Pseudoarchaeology. Really got my fingers crossed, and come check us out if you're in town in August!

I will tell ya, I'm about two day behind schedule for my vids, and Probably wont have one up till the 15th. I know, bad shovel-monkey, but I really have been busy, except for yesterday when I spent my free time playing crack I tells ya.

So, look forward to a new vid next week, and with luck a new Podcast!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Feb is here!

Woot! So, busy year so far. The internship at the CFI group here in Indy Land, and the 20/30's group just started a podcast. Its name is a work in progress, I want to leave it up to the group, but I've got our site all set up, or as set up as Podbean will allow a free account to be. Currently, one cast a month is planed, it'll be a recording of a guided discussion on varying topics. Anyway, check it out.

Beyond that I am busy with studying the GRE again and trying to figure out what I want to do for Grad school...yay...

So, keep an eye here for more info on the